3 min read

Xylotrupes australicus

(Rhinoceros Beetle)

Rhinoceros Beetles are probably the most significant species of beetles in Australia. With their Rich dark body and massive horns, they are absolutely an incredible sight. They get their name from the forked horns on the male's head. Male utilizes this horn to flaunt to females and to battle different males.

This species is found in the rainforests of northern New South Wales to the north of Queensland and is ordinarily found during the wet season as the beetles are pulled into sun lights. They can be found under bright lights in parking and gas stations.

These beetles develop to around 70mm long yet are as yet ready to fly. The larvae are cream shaded with a reddish head and can be found in compost bins and rotting organic matter.

Rhinoceros beetles are harmless, notwithstanding the purring clamor they make when they are upset. This uproar is caused when the beetle rubs its body against its wing covers (elytra). Rhinoceros beetles are easy to take care of.


Care Guide

Rhinoceros Beetle (Xylotrupes australicus)

Food (adults): Fruits, bananas, and apples. Offer minor parts of these fruits and replace the fruits as they can rot in a day or two. You can add 3 parts of banana, 1 part of Maple syrup, and 1 part of regular yogurt in their diet. Offer a teaspoon of this diet to Stag beetle in a little dish that can dispose of and replace consistently.

Water:Water shouldn't be provided in a free structure. You also need to take that the conditions are kept up. You need to make sure the conditions do not dry out.

Enclosure:Plastic tubs make ideal enclosures for this species. The tub will require a protected cover furthermore, some ventilation. The dampness level inside the enclosure needs to be kept up at levels above 70%.

Substrate: Coco-peat is an ideal substrate for keeping up adult beetles. The substrate must be kept exceptionally damp but not drenched. There has to be no free water pooling underneath the substrate. The substrate has to be in any event 30mm thick, which will permit the beetle to the tunnel. Some thick wood might be added to this as well as some little logs. These logs will be helpful for the beetle to stick to, and these will help to forestall the beetle flipping onto its back when meandering around on the surface.

Temperature: The safe limit of temperature for these beetles is 18 - 24°C. They will endure both higher and lower temperatures for brief timeframes. Higher temperatures will bring about considerably more movement, yet in addition, it may result in a more limited lifespan.

Life length: 12-year and a half aggregate (adult beetle lives for around 4 months)

Handling: Handling this species is easy, but they need to handle it delicately. Never pull them off any surface (counting your hand), as this may result in harm to the beetle's feet or legs. Rhinoceros Beetles have sharp bent bone structures (hooks) on their feet and secure in objects quite well. In the event that this happens, permit the beetle to unwind, at that point, persuade it forward by delicately poking the beetle from behind. You can delicately lift the hooks utilizing your fingernails to urge them to proceed onward.

Adult Rhinoceros Beetles can fly. Never handle beetles in a circumstance where flight could bring about harm or death, for example, ceiling fans.

Typical issues: Adult beetles are best kept independently to forestall any battling between each other, which can cause harm to your beetle or even death.


For more information please contact us on info@bluebeetle.com.au.


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